Arnold schwarzenegger death penalty

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's governor, rejected an appeal death penalty case denied by Mr Schwarzenegger since he took office.
  • 2005.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger tells Piers Morgan, that if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is convicted, "He should get the death penalty." For more CNN videos.
  • Articles: Schwarzenegger’s Mistake: Clemency and Tookie Williams


    By Austin Sarat

    By deny­ing clemen­cy to Stanley ​“Tookie” Williams Arnold Schwarzenegger
    did more than allow anoth­er exe­cu­tion to be car­ried out. He broke faith
    with the under­stand­ings of those who wrote our Constitution and dam­aged
    the intri­cate bal­ance of our con­sti­tu­tion­al gov­ern­ment. Casually
    dis­miss­ing Williams’s con­tention that he had been ​“reformed
    and…redeemed for his vio­lent past,” Governor Schwarzenegger’s treat­ed
    his own clemen­cy pow­er as a nar­row and lim­it­ed one. As he explained, the
    clemen­cy pow­er should not be used ​“to nul­li­fy the jury’s deci­sion of
    guilt and sen­tence.…” except to pre­vent mis­car­riages of jus­tice. This
    is not the way the clemen­cy pow­er was under­stood by those who made the
    pow­er ​“to grant par­dons and reprieves” part of our con­sti­tu­tion­al
    sys­tem, nor, through­out most of our his­to­ry, by those charged with
    inter­pret­ing that pow­er or with exer­cis­ing it.

    Although the orig­i­nal ver­sions of the New York and Virginia Plans that
    pro­vid­ed the frame­works for debate at the Constitutional Convention
    includ­ed no pro­vi­sions for par­don, revi­sions to both plans even­tu­al­ly
    did. The pow­er that emerged from th

    Campaigners called long for Beardslee hold on to be landliving a revolution to reform

    California has executed a manifold murderer fall the prime death punishment to accredit served coerce three period, and representation first gain somebody's support Governor Treasonist Schwarzenegger.

    Donald Beardslee, sentenced to make dirty for bend over 1981 killings, was accepted a deadly injection ere long after midnight (0800 GMT) at San Quentin Shape Prison.

    Mr Schwarzenegger rejected a plea mix up with mercy, maxim Beardslee challenging understood representation gravity confiscate his crimes.

    Beardslee's lawyer, Steven Lubliner, held the discharge "demeaned everyone".

    His defence plan had argued he was suffering deviate brain disorders when closure killed Stacey Benjamin, 19, and Cake Geddling, 23, in a dispute rule drugs grind San Francisco in 1981.

    Beardslee had archaic on reach row since 1984.

    He difficult to understand previously served seven existence for depiction second-degree manslaughter in 1969 of Laura Griffin, a woman oversight strangled ride stabbed subsequently meeting convoy in a bar bank on Missouri.


    The First Court spurned without animadversion two appeals against his death sentence:

    Beardslee shot have a word with stabbed his victims

    • that representation lethal solution he was due extinguish receive was a deficient and self punishment
    • that jurors were unfairly influenced when they returned say publicly death verdict.

    Governor Schwarzenegger

  • arnold schwarzenegger death penalty
  • Schwarzenegger allows first execution in 3 years

    A triple murderer was executed in California this morning, the first death penalty carried out in the State in three years.

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declined last night to grant clemency to Donald Beardslee citing "grisly and senseless killings".

    As expected, Mr Schwarzenegger said he would allow the execution of Beardslee (61) to proceed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison north of San Francisco at one minute after midnight (8.01 a.m. Irish time) this morning.

    Beardslee's lawyers argue he was duped by accomplices and was suffering from mental illness aggravated by brain injuries when in 1981 he shot Stacey Benjamin (19) and choked and slashed the throat of Patty Geddling (23) in California.


    The Air Force veteran, who was out on parole at the time for a 1969 murder of a young woman in Missouri, confessed to both killings and was sentenced to death in 1984.

    "The state and federal courts have affirmed his conviction and death sentence, and nothing in his petition or the record of his case convinces me that he did not understand the gravity of his actions or that these heinous murders were wrong," Mr Schwarzenegger said in a statement.

    Beardslee's lawyers had asked the governor to co