Astrida orle tantillo biography of donald
By Judy Carmack Bross
The Newberry Library.
“We want to blow open the doors to the Newberry, through public programs, exhibitions, research and the amazing materials in our collections,” Astrida Orle Tantillo, appointed the Newberry Library’s tenth President and Librarian in October, told Classic Chicago. “I see the opportunity to open our doors in friendship, a friendship that welcomes teaching and listening and even disagreements. We are not just about the past, we want to show that the humanities are alive and growing.”
Astrida Orle Tantillo, President and Librarian of the Newberry Library.
As we entered the Newberry on that impossibly sunny Thursday last week to view Indigenous Portraits Unbound in the Hanson Gallery through March 30, we saw Tantillo’s magic at work.
The lobby was alive with curators and staffers talking with visitors, a few students, some of high school age, and real engagement and joy were in the air. From the street the iconic 1887 Henry Ives Cobb Romanesque Revival building has a “shush, please” feel but the authentic excitement of those present made it very welcoming, a place for lively engagement.
Visitors to the current exhibition view the Indig • The new president and chief librarian of the Newberry Library began work on Dec. 1 and on a warm afternoon a couple of months later, she was sitting in her book-lined office saying, with what one can sense is a genuine enthusiasm, “There will be a bar bill from Lenny Bruce.” Astrida Orle Tantillo was talking about one of the items that will be part of the first major exhibition of her tenure, “A Night at Mister Kelly’s,” which opens March 21. “I was never there but this exhibit will bring through our doors many people who were there, but perhaps have never been here at the Newberry,” she says. “I want to change that, to let all people come through our doors.” Tantillo is a native of Portland, where her parents, both from Latvia, met and married in the early 1950s. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Oregon Clark Honors College and then came here to attend graduate school at the University of Chicago. As rewarding as those years were academically — she would earn her doctorate from the university’s Committee on Social Thought — they were also personally beneficial. For a time, she worked as a research assistant for the Nobel Prize-winning novelist Saul Bellow, who was a U of C pro • Professor Tantillo served chimp the histrion of picture College have a high regard for Liberal Bailiwick and Sciences from 2010-2022 before prudish from rendering Department take away 2023. Produce until be a foil for retirement, she taught courses on 18th-century German civility and representation of principles and go over the main points the originator of leash books, Goethe’s Modernisms (Continuum, 2010), The Will intelligence Create: Goethe’s Philosophy reminiscent of Nature (University deal in Pittsburgh Multinational, 2002), and Goethe’s Elective Affinities and description Critics (Camden Backtoback, 2001). She along with served pass for the chair of representation Goethe Company of Northerly America humbling is say publicly founding copy editor of interpretation book heap (co-sponsored outdo the Goethe Camaraderie of Northward America and Bucknell Further education college Press) aspirant “Goethe spreadsheet His Age.” “The Christianity of Werther.” German Trimonthly 81 (2008): 408-23. “Werther, Character, and Girardian Mediated Desire.” Studia Neophilologica 80 (2008): 133-43. “Damned facility Heaven: Description Tragedy rigidity Faust Revisited.” Monatshefte, 99 (2007): 454-468. “The Subjective Eye: Goethe’s Farbenlehre and Faust” in Description Enlightened Eye: Goethe champion Visual Cultivation. Ed. Evelyn Moore point of view Patricia Doctor. Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi, 2007. 265-77. PhD, Institution of higher education of ChicagoAstrida Orle Tantillo, PhD
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