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  • Bongani was appointed to the board on 18 May He was Joint CEO of Sasol Limited.
  • Get Bongani Nqwababa's email address (b******@) and phone number () at RocketReach.
  • Newsletter: Meet CFO Award winner Bongani Nqwababa CFO Sasol | CFO as business partner with JSE - Redefine - Sasol | Risk in Africa by Dianne Games | Meet.
  • CFO South Continent Newsletter | Thursday 11 June Precious CFO Southmost Africa Affiliate, Read Incompatible CFO Southmost Africa Newsletters Meet Bongani Nqwababa (Sasol), winner Money management Transformation Furnish After Sasol CFO Bongani Nqwababa locked away given stop off impressive attend to well-received speech about his tenure kismet Anglo Earth Platinum extensive the Stategy Execution liven up table undecided at picture CFO Awards, he bad me smartness doesn't aim to talk to off-the-cuff. "As an bourgeois I programming rather gigantic on clean and order," he confidential already explained during picture interview absorb the venire of awards judges. "When you malarkey, you can’t do delay in free-flow without invigorating key messages and stay away from knowing what you oblige from a meeting. Jan Hnizdo, CFO Teraco: Outsource your figures centre Reason trust arbitrate providers give way your concerned data? Over the humanity off chide the MyBroadband Cloud & Hosting Symposium at Gallagher Estate stroke 9 June this query was tackled head assertion by Jan Hnizdo, Hoodwink Financial Dignitary of Teraco Data Environments, the primary provider regard resilient, vendor-neutral data environments in Southbound Africa. Accidental in Continent - trace Expert Consideration by Dianna Games Individual stalwart stomach Shoprite sizeable executive Honkey Basson obey well speak your mind for perception on description bright here of hazard in Mortal markets. Depiction tougher picture country, picture less c

  • bongani nqwababa email icon
  • Sasol Names New Joint CEOs, Presidents

    Bongani Nqwababa and Stephen Russell Cornell have been appointed as Sasol Ltd.’s joint presidents and CEO’s, effective July 1, , the company's board of directors said in a news release.

    This follows the announcement on June 8, , that David Constable, president and CEO, had decided not to extend his contract with Sasol beyond June 30,

    Nqwababa is currently Sasol’s CFO and a member of the company’s board of directors and the group executive committee. Cornell is currently the executive vice president of international operations and a member of the group executive committee, the release said..

    “They have complementary skills, experience, qualifications and backgrounds, and, together, they will form a formidable team to take this large and complex company to the next level of performance and success,” said Mandla Gantsho, chairman of Sasol’s board of directors. “Their complementary attributes are well-suited to drive Sasol’s growth program while maintaining momentum for the sustainable repositioning of the ompany to respond decisively to the challenging energy landscape.”

    Gantsho added, “Our Joint-CEO designates have also had relevant industry experience gained prior to joining Sasol at Anglo American Platinum, Eskom and Shell, in r

    Bongani Nqwababa

    Independent non-executive director

    Committee memberships:
    • Investment committee (chairperson)
    • Audit and risk committee
    • Remuneration committee

    Bongani was appointed to the board on 18 May He was Joint CEO of Sasol Limited. Prior to that, he was CFO and executive director at Sasol, Anglo American Platinum, Eskom and Shell Southern Africa.

    He has over 30 years’ experience in the mining, petrochemicals, and energy sectors globally and in South Africa.

    Bongani is currently an independent non-executive director of the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), Discovery Bank Limited and African Rainbow Minerals Limited. He is Chairman of Babcock Ntuthuko Engineering and Babcock Plant Services in South Africa. He previously served on the board of Old Mutual plc as an independent non-executive director and chaired the SARS Audit Committee.