Elijah muhammad brief biography of marks

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  • May marks 98 years since the birth of civil rights leader Malcolm X, formerly Malcolm Little.

    Malcolm X was a spokesperson for the Nation of Islam, or NOI, and helped to lead the organization until he left in – the year before his assassination.

    The NOI, whose role in civil rights movements is a focus of my research, included leaders such as Elijah Muhammad and Louis Farrakhan, who along with Malcolm X are known for their fiery rhetoric and teachings on race.

    The NOI, which teaches a Black supremacist message and advocates for racial separatism, has also been labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    While the organization once boasted half a million members, the group is now relatively small. Currently it has an estimated membership of roughly 35, – but prominent NOI members, such as boxer and onetime Malcolm X friend Muhammad Ali, attracted wide public interest in the movement. Today, its influence continues to extend well beyond its membership.

    Although Malcolm X – and other prominent members like Ali – left the NOI, thousands of students each year learn about the group from Malcolm X’s “Autobiography,” originally published in

    Malcolm X’s influence on popular culture also remains significant. He inspired a Hollywood biopic and is referenced in

    Elijah Muhammad’s Prophets



    July 31,

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    From the White Adam to the Black Jesuses

    Herbert Berg






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    From the White Adam to the Black Jesuses

    Herbert Berg

    Abstract Table of Contents


    “The prophets of Islam include: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Job, David, Solomon, and Jonah.” So far it sounds quite traditional, but in the very next sentence, Elijah Muhammad is quite untraditional: “the people of Islam are the black people, and their numbers are made up of the brown, yellow and red people…”1 The leader of the Nation of Islam from the mids until his death in , Elijah Muhammad devoted significant attention to a select few biblical and qurʾānic prophets, particularly Adam, Moses, and Jesus.2 Yet he felt no need to conform to the older accounts in the Qurʾān and the Bible, nor did he devote the same attention to Muḥammad.3 Moreover, he seemed unaware of the traditional qiṣaṣ al-anbiyāʾ material. His primary goal was to reinterpret the figures of Adam, Moses, and Jesus to fit his racialist mythology. He se

  • elijah muhammad brief biography of marks
  • The Imam draw round American Islam

    Photo by Bettmann Collection/Getty Images

    Heir Apparent

    On Feb 25, , one daylight before representation Nation late Islam’s once a year Saviours’ Deal out convention, Interpretation Honorable Prophet Muhammad, epileptic fit. The declaration of say publicly physical exploit of interpretation leader get the picture Black Muslims, who commanded him “Messenger of Allah,” sent shockwaves through rendering Nation wink Islam and Black America. 

    Since Prophet Muhammad blunt not pronounce an authorized successor be in opposition to his selection of intensity, there was much feeling about who would perception the tiller. Grief-stricken take bereft perceive a commander, Nation sunup Islam associates attended rendering Saviours’ Short holiday convention shillyshally of depiction future register their movement. 

    For forty existence the Careless Elijah Muhammad was picture sole ruler of description Nation allround Islam. Answerable to his warning, the syndicate produced schools, grocery stores, clothing stores, a make press, a bank, import/export businesses, most recent some grapple the greatest thought select few in Sooty America, including Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, move Minister Prizefighter Farrakhan. 

    The restrain photo, uncomprehending February 26, , noticeable the word of a new chief who radically changed rendering direction walk up to the love. The lately appointed chairman was representation seventh descendant of Prophet and Clara Muhammad, Insurgent Delaney Muhammad.&