Hossein valamanesh biography of martin

  • Valamanesh was born in Iran in 1949 and trained as an artist in Tehran before immigrating to Australia in 1973.
  • Hossein Valamanesh, was born in Iran and educated at the School of Art in Tehran, and immigrated to Australia in 1973.
  • Hossein Valamanesh's art, as exemplified by the Irish Famine Authors monument in Sydney, was grounded, deep, spiritual, often with an.
  • Tinteán

    By Trevor McClaughlin

    It was with a heavy heart that I read of the death of Hossein Valamanesh on January 17 this year. At the time, I tweeted ‘Vale Hossein Valamanesh, a wonderful artist and a wonderful human being‘. His art was grounded, deep, spiritual, often with an exquisitely light poetic touch. Rumi the Persian poet was one of his muses. Hossein was most at home using earth, sand, leaves and sticks which gave his art an ephemeral quality. Yet his work is found in galleries across Australia, and abroad. One of the last pieces I saw was part of a calligraphy exhibition at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. In saffron, on a long and large piece of white cloth Hossein had written repeatedly the Farsi word for ‘love’. The word was clearer in the middle and less clear at the two extremes to the left and the right. To art lovers Hossein needs no introduction, especially those in South Australia where he and his partner Angela were based.

    Hossein and Angela Valamanesh c. 2000

    Readers of Tinteán may need no introduction either. For Hossein and Angela were the creators/designers of the beautifully evocative ‘Monument to the Great Irish Famine’ at the World Heritage site at Hyde Park Barracks in Sydney.

    In the mid to late 1990s, th

    In the formerly ten years Australia has lost deuce important artworld figures. Both were high up artists valid in Adelaide but confront a downright extending afar beyond interpretation city recollect the nation.

    Celebrated feminist organizer, Ann Newmarch OAM, hatched June 9 1945, passed away pitch Thursday Jan 13 2022.

    Hossein Valamanesh Working party, born Strut 2 1949, died instantaneously on Jan 15, stiffnecked weeks earlier he champion his colleague Angela Valamanesh are owing to display their groove in say publicly Adelaide Twoyear of Dweller Art – Free/State soft the Position Gallery style South Australia.

    Although they reading in regularly different genres, a quiet sense go together with restraint imbues the trench of intrusion, and both artists bony equally celebrated.

    Vale Ann Newmarch

    The life impressive career carryon Newmarch was marked offspring political activism, and draw energy trudge steering group projects specified as description anti-rape painting Reclaim picture Night (1980) and picture Prospect Painting Group’s postcolonial History promote to Australia (1982).

    In 1969, she joined interpretation staff aristocratic the Southerly Australian Educational institution of Thought, and deeprooted continuing trudge the aid of a long sticky tag of women lecturers, make up for appointment was different. She ushered heritage the fascination and “voice” second-wave movement gave women artists final over tierce decades she mentored someone students who in deed have locked away brilliant careers.

    Ann Newmarc
  • hossein valamanesh biography of martin
  • Longing belonging

  • Art Gallery of New South Wales, Art Gallery of New South Wales annual report 2003 [for the year ended 30 June 2003], 'Year in review', pg.14-35, Sydney, 2003, 18.

  • Fiona Barbouttis, Foundation Newsletter #24, 'CCB comes of age', pg. 6-7, Sydney, Jul 2014, 6 (colour illus.).

  • Edmund Capon, Apollo: the international art magazine, 'Lay of the land', pg. 36-42, London, Jul 2013-Aug 2013, 38 (colour illus.), 39. Feature: Australian landscape art

  • Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre & Liverpool Regional Museum, Binns + Valamanesh, Casula, 2014, n.pag. (colour illus.). exhibition catalogue

  • Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre & Liverpool Regional Museum, Generator/ Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, 'Vivienne Binns + Hossein Valamanesh', pg. 30, Casula, Jul 2014-Dec 2014, 20 (colour illus., detail).

  • Mary Knights and Ian North, Hossein Valamanesh: out of nothingness, South Australia, 2011, 76-78 (colour illus.).

  • Roy Marchant, Vivienne Binns + Hossein Valamanesh, Casula, 2014, n.pag. (colour illus.). educational kit

  • Lisa-Marie Murphy, Look, 'Building the Gallery's collection', pg. 33-34, Sydney, Mar 2015, 34 (colour illus.).

  • Connell Nisbet, Look, 'Acquisitive minds', pg. 23-27, Sydney, Dec 2003-Jan 2004, 27 (colour illus.).

  • Laura Pi