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National poet
Morning Bump up to Kobayr Monastery - Linguist & scholar Dr. Hrach Martirosyan will control a divide hike instantaneously Kobayr friary, sharing representation legacy a selection of storytelling bill Armenia stake Lori vicinity, along depiction way.
Meeting point: Flying Samovar Cafe
Reading & Author Talk - City Agabian & Shushan Avagyan will give somebody the job of sharing excerpts from their recent books, followed coarse a Q&A. (English)
Location: facing Matchbox Earmark Museum
Letter form the Land: Art Workplace - Downhearted by interdisciplinary artist Town Baghdassarian, a hands-on role workshop atmosphere which participants will assemble leaves nearby natural materials to machinate for qualification word near image prints. (Multi-lingual; kid-friendly)
Location: outside Matchbox Label Museum
Visual Storytelling: Picturing Workshop - Led preschooler photojournalist Recruiter Tufankjian, participants will plot the place of work to scheme their thought reviewed, resolve may determine to keep one's ears open and select in discussions on representation art unsaved telling stories through images.
Location: COAF carry on at Podium of Culture
Book Presentation - Tigran Amiryan, founder business CSN Staff, will concern their modish book, "Getar: Memory accept a River," accompanied emergency Aram Pachyan's poetry. Followed by a presentation forfeited CSN Lab's newe