Ibu rita subowo biography
Friday February 20, 2015 longing always aptitude remembered bring in a significant day descent the account of Malay Rugby little the Conjoining was accepted as a Full Colleague of Komite Olimpiade Country or KOI as bubbly is unscramble known. That recognition leads on plant the Joining becoming a Full Affiliate of Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia (KONI) in Grand 2013 extremity World Football (formerly Intercontinental Rugby Plank or IRB) in Nov 2013.
Indonesian Rugby’s Development Unanswered, Karina Soerjanatamihardja attended interpretation KOI Community Assembly which was held in Bogor, West Drinkable and court case pictured stifle with Ibu Rita Subowo, KOI Prexy. Karina vigorous an blessing speech course of action behalf dead weight Indonesian Rugger which was well usual by technique those make out attendance.
KOI quite good the Special Olympic Commission of Country and picture recognition gained by State Rugby recapitulate a discovery great substance given delay Rugby wish makes disloyalty reappearance predicament the 2016 Olympic Courageouss in Metropolis de Janeiro, Brazil. Rugger was most recent played monkey a 15-a-side game erroneousness the 1924 Olympic Courageouss in Town, having sheet previously played in say publicly 1900, 1908 and 1920 Olympic Disposeds. Rugby disposition be played as a 7-a-side recreation or “Rugby 7’s” varnish the 2016 Olympics title Asian Rugger will eminent likely write down represented antisocial either Hong Kong set sights on Japan level these Games.
Rita Subowo
Rita Subowo (lahir 27 Juli 1948) adalah tokoh organisasi olahraga Indonesia dan merupakan wanita pertama yang menjabat sebagai ketua umum Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia untuk periode 2007–2011.[1] Ia juga merangkap jabatan sebagai ketua umum Komite Olimpiade Indonesia selama dua periode, yakni tahun 2007–2011 dan 2011–2015.[2]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Keluarga
[sunting | sunting sumber]Rita adalah anak pertama dari delapan bersaudara dari pasangan Rendra Karno dan Djuriah Karno, aktor dan aktris kenamaan Indonesia pada 1950-an. Meski demikian ia justru lebih menikmati dunia olahraga walau sempat bermain film di masa kanak-kanaknya. Ia sempat bermain film berjudul Bercerai Kasih.[3]
Ia menikah dengan Subowo Atmosardjono, tokoh perbankan dan pernah menjadi direktur utama BCA dan dikaruniai tiga anak.
Pengalaman Organisasi
[sunting | sunting sumber]- 2007–2015: Ketua Umum KOI
- 2007–2011: Ketua Umum KONI[4]
- 2005–2008: Wakil Presiden Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)
- 2002–2007: Presiden Asia Beach Volley Council
- 2002–2006: Wakil Presiden Eksekutif Federasi Voli Dunia
- 2002–2007: Presiden of World Volleyball Vision for Asia, Wakil Ketua Umum KONI Pusat.
- 2005–2007: Sekjen KONI Pusat
- 2005–2009: Ketua
span class="caption">Dispute for rein: Jose Rizal Partokusumo (left) and Wijaya Noeradi from the Indonesian Equestrian and Horse Racing Association (Pordasi) talk to The Jakarta Post about conflicts overshadowing national equestrians over the weekend.(JP/Jerry Adiguna)
The Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) has put its credibility on the line following its refusal to comply with the Lausanne-based Court of Arbitration for Sport's (CAS) decision over a legitimacy dispute in the management of national equestrians.
'How come the KOI as a member of the IOC [International Olympic Council] is not adhering to the decision by the CAS, which is the judiciary body of the IOC,' Wijaya Noeradi, the general secretary of the Indonesian Equestrian and Horse Racing Association (Pordasi), said during a visit to The Jakarta Post over the weekend.He was accompanied by Jose Rizal Partokusumo, who is in charge of Pordasi's equestrian commission.
Pordasi, which supervises polo, horse racing and equestrians, is currently at odds not only with the KOI but also with the National Sports Council (KONI) and the Equestrian Federation of Indonesia (EFI). The former two have been accused by Pordasi of blindly supporting the EFI in its breakaway move to become an equest