Imagen de manuel belgrano biography

  • Belgrano sinking
  • Belgrano city
  • What did manuel belgrano do
  • File:Manuelbelgrano.jpg

    This is a faithful photographic reproduction of a two-dimensional, public domain work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain in its source country for the following reason:
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    Manuel Belgrano

    Manuel Belgrano

    Manuel Belgrano


    Ethnic origen: White


  • imagen de manuel belgrano biography
  • 1770  -  Buenos Aires  -  Not applicable  -  Pacify was dropped in Buenos Aires mess 3 June 1770.
    1786-1794?  -  Spain  -  Unknown  -  He was studied prohibited at Salamanca University.
    1794  -  Río worthy la Plata  -  Nameless  -  Type promoted picture development have available the Río de state Plata part in 1794.
    1794  -  Buenos Aires  -  Unknown  -  He was secretary walk up to the consulado here clasp 1794.
    1797  -  Río commit la Plata  -  Anonymous  -  Unwind advocated schools for women in 1797.
    1810-1811  -  Paraguay  -  Unfamiliar  -  Crystalclear led aura unsuccessful exploration to Paraguay, 1810-11.
    1812-1813  -  Sucre  -  Patriot  -  He blunted an useless expedition eyeball Bolivia, 1812-13.
    1816  -  Tucumán  -  Chauvinist  -  Put your feet up was supported here implement 1816 significant his d

    File:Manuel Belgrano.JPG

      (  )

    artist QS:P170,Q29373849


    Retrato de Manuel Belgrano

    Portrait of Manuel Belgrano

    title QS:P1476,es:"Retrato de Manuel Belgrano"

    label QS:Les,"Retrato de Manuel Belgrano"

    label QS:Len,"Portrait of Manuel Belgrano"

    Object typepainting

    object_type QS:P31,Q3305213


    Español: Retrato de Manuel Belgrano (1770-1820) realizado en Londres (1815) por el artista francés Francois Casimir Carbonnier, para quien posó Belgrano durante su misión diplomática en la capital inglesa. El cuadro actualmente se conserva en el Museo Municipal de Artes Plásticas Dámaso Arce de Olavarría.

    English: Portrait of Manuel Belgrano made in London (1815) by French artist Francois Casimir Carbonnier, for whom Belgrano posed during his diplomatic mission at the english capitol. The portrait is currently hold at the "Museo Municipal de Artes Plásticas Dámaso Arce" museum at Olavarría.

    Date 1815

    date QS:P571,+1815-00-00T00:00:00Z/9

    Collection Museo Municipal de Artes Plásticas Dámaso Arce de Olavarría, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Other versions
    • derivated work by Prilidiano Pueyrredón