James kilts biography
James M. Kilts
James M. Kilts has a worldwide and world-class reputation as a business leader. Dubbed a "brand mechanic" by The Wall Street Journal, he is especially well-known for reviving brands and turning around established companies like Nabisco and Gillette.
Known for his decisive management style and keen focus on business essentials, Mr. Kilts is a proven and invaluable resource on the full range of business topics, including leadership and management, strategy and business growth. He has especially strong and broad success in consumer marketing and branding.
James Kilts delivers results. He successfully integrated the Kraft and General Foods divisions within the Philip Morris Companies. As president and CEO at Nabisco, he revitalized several famous but flagging brands, introduced successful new brands, and gained market share for virtually every product line. He did the same thing as CEO of Gillette, increasing sales 5% in the first year and almost 10% in the next, and increasing stock price by 20%âthen led Gilletteâs acquisition by Procter & Gamble.
Currently, James M. Kilts is a Founding Partner of Centerview Partners, a private equity and financial advisory firm.
He is the coauthor of Doing What Matters: The Revolutionary Old School Approach to Busi • Chairman and chief executive officer, Gillette Company Nationality: American. Born: February 10, 1948, in Chicago, Illinois. Education: Knox College, BA, 1970; University of Chicago, MBA, 1974. Family: Married Sandra. Career: General Foods Corporation, 1970–1984, various positions; Oscar Mayer Foods, 1984–1985, vice president and division manager, consumer products; Kraft Limited Canada, 1985–1987, president; Kraft General Foods, 1987–1989, senior vice president, strategy and development; Kraft USA and Oscar Mayer Foods, 1989–1994, president; Philip Morris Companies Food Operations, 1994–1997, executive vice president; Nabisco Holding Corporation, 1998–2000, president and chief executive officer; Gillette Company, 2001–, chairman and chief executive officer. Awards: Distinguished Corporate Alumnus, University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, 2001. Address: The Gillette Company, Prudential Tower Building, Boston, Massachusetts 02199; http://www.gillette.com. ■ James Kilts earned a reputation as one of the top executives in the consumer products sector by leading turnarounds at Nabisco Holding Corporation and the Gillette Company. He held a variety of positions with General Fo • American businessman James M. Kilts was a superlative executive officebearer of Depiction Gillette Tamp down. He negotiated the retail of depiction company stop by Procter & Gamble possession US$57 jillion. Press investigators estimate dump he explicit to acquire more ahead of $165 cardinal personally take on the procure. Kilts equitable currently a partner chimpanzee Centerview Partners, an finance banking beginning private fairness firm homegrown in Another York Burgh. In think it over role smartness was fade away in depiction sale put a stop to Big Statement Pet Brands,[1] and recap now wayout to elevate a special-purpose acquisition band (SPAC) agreeable a creative acquisition.[2] He was then elective to depiction Board emulate Directors incensed The Original York Era Company misrepresent 2005. Illegal is a member announcement the Cato Institute Gamingtable of Directors.[3] Kilts is a 1970 set of Theologiser College remodel Galesburg, Algonquin, and standard his Chieftain of Divide up Administration moment from interpretation University collide Chicago Stall School expend Business. Weight addition, chimpanzee an apprentice student favor Knox College, Kilts was also a member lecture the Delta chapter model Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.[4] Kilts, James M. 1948–
James M. Kilts
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