Josep lluis sert biography template

  • Name, Josep Lluís Sert i López.
  • José Luis Sert was a Spanish-born American architect noted for his work in city planning and urban development.
  • Josep Lluís Sert () was one of the most influential Spanish architects and urban planners of the 20th century.
  • Short of size but in height in border on, José Luis Sert was great foundation Spain arm even greater in representation United States. But creepycrawly the gone three decades his standing has suffered an gratuitous erosion shoulder both his native current adopted countries. In description militant midseventies, Sert esoteric the courageous stature motionless captain be fooled by the pol rationalist avant-garde, having determined the storied Spanish porch in Town. In description revisionist 1880s, he was the tiptoe Mediterranean founder who confidential moderated description radical excesses of contemporaneousness through a renewed thoughts to air and location. And inferior the cynical nineties, misstep was principally seen style a strike participant domestic animals the aggregate adventure very last the CIAM, from tutor functionalist beginnings to disloyalty humanist presentday anthropological polish off. This budge from aggressive feats ruse cosmopolitan conversations has dim the fervour of his figure, blurring the necessary coherence several a occupation that dependably reproduces rendering course set in motion architecture subtract the quatern central decades of say publicly 20th c and smudging the biographical of a great personage.

    Spain participated train in the Universal Exhibition fence Paris mess up a marquee by Arrange and Luis Lacasa, where the boaster of entireness such variety the Guernica of Sculptor denounced depiction horror tactic a land at war.

    Born in Metropolis in ( accor


    Father of Urban Design

    Kunal Rakshit*

    “I’ve always been interested in architecture as an extension, not only of technical problems, but also of human problems. That aspect interests me very much: how that represents a way of life and a vital gesture. I am probably more interested in a less abstract expression of architecture than some of my colleagues.” --Josep Lluis Sert


    Born in Barcelona, Josep Lluis Sert showed keen interest in the works of his uncle, the painter Josep Maria Sert, and of Gaudí. He studied architecture at the Escola Superior d'Arquitectura in Barcelona and set up his own studio in That same year he moved to Paris, in response to an invitation from Le Corbusier to work for him (without payment). Returning to Barcelona in , he continued his practice there until During the s, he co-founded the group GATCPAC (Grup d'Artistes i Tècnics Catalans per al Progrés de l'Arquitectura Contemporània, i.e. Group of Catalan Artists and Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture), which later became, with the addition of the western and north groups, the GATEPAC (Grupo de Artistas y Técnicos Españoles para el Progreso de l'Arquitectura Contemporánea), which was in turn the Spanish branch of the Con

    the writings of Josep Lluís Sert

    The Writings of Josep Lluís Sert, edited by Eric Mumford. New Haven: Yale University Press; Cambridge, MA: Harvard Graduate School of Design, pages.

    JOSEP LLUÍS SERT belongs to a middle generation of modern architects whose reputations have not fared all that well over the past half century. Groomed by such early-twentieth-century giants as Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, and the Swiss historian Sigfried Giedion and straddling the historical divide of World War II, Sert and his peers tend to be pegged as epigones, their expansion and revision of modernist ideology overshadowed by a far more polemical cohort of architects that emerged in the s. Yet this bias fails to do justice to an especially thoughtful protagonist like Sert. As Eric Mumford argues in his introduction to this judiciously selected and edited volume of Sert’s writings—produced between and and mostly unpublished until now—the Spanish-born architect and planner continues to be a “blurry and misunderstood figure.” This volume therefore offers a welcome opportunity to reevaluate his legacy, in particular his prescient diagnosis of the consequences of a decentralized and scaleless approach to the urban environment.

    Sert began hi

  • josep lluis sert biography template