Lennart hardwell biography of donald

  • LennArt.
  • Hardwell's original data itself is flawed when it attempts to stand as evidence of a causative association between cancer and mobile usage.
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  • It Doesn't Have To Be Right…

    My reading remains a little bit all over the place. I’ve been keeping an eye on the Kindle daily deals, and picking up books that look interesting when they’re going cheap. I’ve even bought a few I’ve read previously and have in storage back in the UK. I’ve had the Kindle now for two years, and it has 200 books on it already. Which, when I think about it, is certainly less than I used to buy when I lived in the UK and bought paperbacks and hardbacks from all manner of places, online and IRL. Even better, I’ve read about 70% of the books I have here, although there are still half a dozen or so I brought with me two years ago that are still unread…

    The Master & Margarita, Mikhail Bulgakov (1966, Russia). This is a book that’s mentioned often, sometimes in genre conversations given its fantastical content. In brief, the devil visits Moscow and involves himself – with the help of a personal assistant and a very large cat, that talks and walks upright – with various people, who suffer as a consequence. I’m not a big reader of Russian fiction – in translation, obviously – War and Peace many years ago, a couple of novels by the Strugatsky brothers, some Solzhe

    Dialling up an old panic

    How should we respond to yet another piece of obscure research suggesting health problems with mobile phones, or in this case mobile phone masts?

    On 17 May 2005, UK newspapers reported that using a digital mobile phone in rural areas may pose a greater risk of developing brain tumours than it does in urban settings. These claims were based on a Swedish study by Dr Lennart Hardell, which looked at 1,400 adults aged 20 to 80 who had been diagnosed with a malignant or benign brain tumour and compared them to healthy adults living in the same area. The Times (London) reported that the risk could be as much as eight times greater, even if it was ‘based on so few cases the result couldn’t be relied upon’.

    So should you start thinking about dumping your mobile before it gives you cancer (especially if you’re not a ‘townie’)? The simple answer is ‘no’ – and this is not just in the sense that ‘more research is needed’. Behind the headlines, the sceptic would say that what’s really going on is that the enterprising Dr Hardell has found a new ‘sexy’ angle (an urban/rural split) through which to recycle old research that barely stood up in the first place.

    The British medi

  • lennart hardwell biography of donald
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