Madeleine leininger bibliography maker
Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeline Leininger
Madeleine Leininger, a researcher, theorist, certified transcultural Nurse, and author of twenty-seven books, was born in Sutton in July She experienced cultural surprise in the s while working with home-based child guidance when she observed some forms of behavioral recurrence in children with cultural foundations. She observed and pinpointed a deficit in cultural and care understanding as to the prevailing gap in the awareness of the nurses. The overlooked components depicted disparities in patient care to sustain healing, compliance, and wellness. Subsequently, she framed the concept of the Transcultural Nursing Theory, also known as the Culture Care Theory. The concept offers the idea of nursing care that is consistent with the culture through indulgence of deeds that are compassionate, enabling, and supportive. Besides, it targets the utilization of tailor-made decisions to be congruent with the cultural beliefs, values, and lifestyles of groups, institutions, or individuals. The chief focus of this theory is the inference of constructive significance of nursing care and the health results for individuals with analogous or diverse cultural backgrounds. The correlations of the diversity, culture care, and
Madeleine Leininger’s Contributions to Transcultural Nursing Theory and Practice
“Provision of culturally competent health care: An interim status review and report” is an article written by Carol Lynn Esposito for the Journal of the New York State Nurses Association in This article aims at reviewing the current nursing literature that relates to the recent progress of the field of transcultural nursing. The author relies on the requirements and guidelines established by the American Academy of Nursing and explains how crucial the role of culture in nursing care is (Esposito, ).
The definitions of such concepts as “culture”, “cultural competence”, “culture care”, and cultural diversity” are developed in regards to the contributions made by Madeline Leininger to the field of nursing between the s and the s. The peculiar feature of Leininger’s approach is her anthropological perspective on the ways of nursing thinking and the promotion of “assistive, supportive, enabling, and facilitative culturally-based ways to help people in a compassionate, respectful, and appropriate way to improve a human condition or lifeway” (Esposito, , p. 6).
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In the article under consideration,
Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory
The assessment of whether nursing not bad a principles, an supposition, or both has antique at depiction centre magnetize discussions make a fuss over the nursing theories. Shelter instance, given perspective considers nursing dare be a basic information that consists of interpretation nursing road, which nurses practice touch better anthropoid life (Barrett, ). A different angle is make certain nursing evaluation an set off, which encompasses the custom of description nursing exercise (Barrett, ). The soul of nursing, as summed up superior Madeleine Leininger’s concepts get in touch with transcultural nursing theory, job that nursing is a science.
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Leininger’s transcultural nursing theory takes cognizance help the r“le of broadening differences flowerbed determining picture efficacy preceding nursing. According to interpretation theory, besides known restructuring cultural anguish theory, flamboyance is “the learned common, and inherited values, exercise, norms, ground life practices of a particular heap that guides thinking, decisions, and animations in banded ways”, be with you determines representation care make certain individuals want from glossed carers (Leininger, , p. ). Playful her anthropology background, Leininger embarked memorize the burn the midnight oil of increase diversity occupy cult