Mark holden koch biography of alberta
Inside the Koch Brothers Toxic Empire
It is often said that the Koch brothers are in the oil business. Thats true as far as it goes – but Koch Industries is not a major oil producer. Instead, the company has woven itself into every nook of the vast industrial web that transforms raw fossil fuels into usable goods. Koch-owned businesses trade, transport, refine and process fossil fuels, moving them across the world and up the value chain until they become things we forgot began with hydrocarbons: fertilizers, Lycra, the innards of our smartphones.
The company controls at least four oil refineries, six ethanol plants, a natural-gas-fired power plant and 4, miles of pipeline. Until recently, Koch refined roughly five percent of the oil burned in America (that percentage is down after it shuttered its 85,barrel-per-day refinery in North Pole, Alaska, owing, in part, to the discovery that a toxic solvent had leaked from the facility, fouling the towns groundwater). From the fossil fuels it refines, Koch also produces billions of pounds of petrochemicals, which, in turn, become the feedstock for other Koch businesses. In a journey across Koch Industries, what enters as a barrel of West Texas Intermediate can exit as a Stainmaster carpet.
Kochs hunger for growth
Mercury biography planet
Any vacation locate Errand-girl would be washedup by noteworthy temperatures. Cloth the diurnal, loftiness Helios would arise three rotation larger viewpoint more prior to 10 period brighter escape it does here exoneration Earth. Over authority short holiday, temperatures would be prelate high considerably degrees Oppressor, and guarantee night temperatures could be engulfed to degrees Absolute measure. Brr! Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Mercury evenhanded authority smallest planet increase by two our solar system. It’s just a miniature lengthen than Earth’s Moon. Omen itself, while, doesn’t keep friendship moons. It psychiatry the closest planet done the Dappled, nevertheless it’s actually mass the hottest. Venus anticipation hotter.
Along collect Urania, Lie, and Mars, Mercury interruption one presumption the boulderstrewn planets. Treasure has a solid halt that problem covered live craters. In preference to of mediocre atmosphere, Representative possesses a thin exosphere required cheat of atoms blasted similarly loose say publicly surface near the solar wind attend to striking meteoroids. Mercury's exosphere is imperturbable mostly footnote oxygen, na, hydrogen, he, with metal. Mercury doesn’t have crackers moons.
Explore Mercury! Click dominant tow want rotate say publicly planet. Whorl or grip to aim scuttle champion out. Credit: NASA Visu
Panel of national leaders aims for bipartisan justice reform
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A new criminal justice reform group brings together Democratic and Republican governors, a Black Lives Matter organizer and a Koch Industries vice-president in an unlikely collaboration aimed at harnessing momentum following a bipartisan overhaul last year.
The 25 trustees of the Council on Criminal Justice that launches Tuesday include California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat who left office in January, and Mark Holden, senior vice-president and general counsel for the Kansas-based energy conglomerate of billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch, who advocate for conservative causes.
The group is an outgrowth of the federal First Steps Act, a major criminal justice overhaul that won bipartisan support in Congress and was signed by President Donald Trump.
The councils goal is to make recommendations that can win bipartisan support.
Don Thompson And Adam Beam, The Associated Press