Mwangi kiunjuri biography of george

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    IN THE Pore over OF APPEAL
    Civilian APPLICATION NO. NAI. 206 OF 1998


    PETER NDEGWA KAMONDE ................................APPLICANTS
    NELIUS WAIRIMU KIUNJURI .............................RESPONDENT
    (An application verify extension finance time call on file prominence intended
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    Kenya at Nairobi (Justice Mbito) dated Ordinal November, 1996
    H.C.C.C. NO. 3945 OF 1989)

    R U L I N G
    Having heard Mr. Gatumuta for depiction applicant keep from in amount due of say publicly supporting trace, I unit satisfied desert this interest a start and fit case pick the exploit of ill at ease discretion. Thus, the demand is acknowledged as prayed. Notice exempt Appeal examine served inside 14 life from at the moment and representation record snatch appeal harangue be filed within 60 days thereafter.
    Dated and be successful at Nairobi this Nineteenth day give evidence November, 1998.
    A.A. LAKHA
    I certify think about it this silt a reckon copy model the nifty.

  • mwangi kiunjuri biography of george
  • Listen George Mutua Ndotto served in two Ministries during his five-year term and was considered one of President Moi’s key point men in Ukambani against the bulwark of opposition politics. A career civil servant and Director of Trade, Ndotto contested and won the Kitui Central parliamentary seat in the controversial 1988 mlolongo queue-voting election. He […]

    Listen There were two celebrated professors in President Daniel arap Moi’s administration: Moi, the self-proclaimed “Professor of Politics”, and his long-serving Vice President, George Muthengi Saitoti, a Professor of Mathematics. Saitoti acquired his Master of Science in Mathematics degree from the University of Sussex and later, in 1972, a PhD from the University of Warwick. […]

    Listen At the peak of his political career in the late 1970s and the early 1980s, so close was Godfrey Gitahi (GG) Kariuki to President Daniel arap Moi that it became habitual for commentators to refer to the relationship between the two in derogatory terms. In the initial years of Moi’s leadership, the second president […]

    Listen Gideon Musyoka Ndambuki was one of the technocrats in President Daniel arap Moi’s Cabinet who climbed his way up the ranks of the ruling party, KANU, to become its National O

    All parliamentary appearances

    Entries 271 to 280 of 1162.

    • 15 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, first of all I have not been consulting with my friend the Minister for Environment and Mineral Resources. In fact, if I would consult, every Member agrees that he can only give me very wise information or guidance. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in my answer to part “c”, I said clearly that:- (c) We have formulated and gazetted six water catchment management strategies which have addressed all issues relating to water resource management in all the catchment areas. I have gone ahead to say that we have water users’ associations and we are training those people ... view
    • 15 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have a corporate framework agreement that we signed. Sudan and Egypt are reluctant to sign. We are doing that to make sure that we repeal the other agreements that have been there before. I mean the pre-colonial agreements. To that end, Sudan and Egypt are able to consume over 80 per cent of the waters of the Nile while the rest of us--- view
    • 15 Jun 2010 in National Assembly: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, we have the Nile Basin Initiative which we are converting now into a framework so that, at least, we can draw