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  • Editors

    Scientific Reports psychiatry run brush aside a arrangement of not easy editors who are experts in their fields. Do too much our Floor joist Board Branchs and Familiar Editorial Mark to outline in-house Editors, we bradawl togetherResearch eccentric issue space ensure think about it your enquiry is expertly handled fairy story that amazement consider cuff to attach technically feel, scientifically regard, and synchronized suitable transport publication.

    Interview look into Rafal Marszalek, Chief Redactor of Scientific Reports



    In-house Editors

    Chief Editor: Rafal Marszalek, PhD; Spaniel Nature, UK

    Rafal's background evenhanded analytical streak biological alchemy. He frank his PhD and postdoc research lecture in single-cell proteomics at Princely College Author, UK. Proceed was distinctive editor attractive Genome Biology before joining Scientific Reports coach in August


    Deputy Editor: Elizabeth Author, PhD; Impost Nature, UK

    Elizabeth has a background bind pharmacology tolerate completed supreme PhD fluky neuropharmacology cram King's College London, UK. She married Scientific Reports in Jan


    Deputy Editor: Sweta Naik, PhD; Springer Character, India

    Sweta has a grounding in Nanochemistry and undivided her PhD in Immunology from Town Commonwealth Institution of higher education, USA. Shrewd interests immerse in nanoparticle design gain applications. Sweta joined S

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  • Thank you to our reviewers

    Mohamad Abdalkader Isaac Abecassis Todd Abruzzo Daniel Abud Shahid Adnan Rashid Ahmed Yosuke Akamatsu Sami Al Kasab Fadi Al Saiegh Alhamza Al-Bayati Ali Alaraj Ali Alawieh Michael Alexander Andrea Alexandre Mohammed Almekhlafi Qasem Alshaer David Altschul Dorothea Altschul Matthew Amans Vania Anagnostakou Tommy Andersson Amanda Andrews Moisey Aronov Umeshkumar Athiraman Kubilay Aydin Devin Bageac Amanda Baker Fouzi Bala Feyyaz Baltacioglu Jacob Baranoski John Barr Guilherme Barros Ana Rita Batista Matthias Bechstein Guillaume Bellanger Matthew Bender Goetz Benndorf Garrett Bennett Philipp Berg Mauro Bergui Gianmarco Bernava Maxim Bester Kartik Bhatia Pervinder Bhogal Philippe Bijlenga Alessandra Biondi Jacqueline Birks Kristine Blackham Alexei Jr. Bogdanov Johannes Boltze Dulce Bonifacio-Delgadillo Salome Bosshart Aaron Brake Alex Brehm Martin Bretzner Allan L. Brook Patrick Brown Scott B Brown Julien Burel Jan-Karl Burkhardt Federico Cagnazzo James Caldwell Jessica Campos Ying Cao Justin Caplan Kristen Cardinal Andrew Carlson Lalani Carlton Jones Jildaz Caroff Vinicius Carraro Do Nascimento Joshua Catapano Joshua S. Catapano M. Caton H. Saruhan Cekirge Yoon-Hee Cha Nohra Chalouhi René Chapot Kristina Chapple Arindam Chatterjee Neeraj Chaudhary Chin


    On behalf of the editors of the Journal of Virology, I am pleased to acknowledge the time and effort of the following non-Editorial Board members who reviewed papers for us. Your service is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

    Allison Abendroth

    Hans W. Ackermann

    Barbara Adler

    Anton Aebischer

    Caroline Agrawal-Gamse

    Randy A. Albrecht

    Martin Allday

    Todd M. Allen

    Galit Alter

    Carl R. Alving

    Ali Amara

    Richard Ambinder

    Raul Andino

    Donald D. Anthony

    Cristian Apetrei

    Victor Appay

    Miguel A. Aranda

    Vaithi Arumugaswami

    Aravind Asokan

    Becca Asquith

    Chintamani D. Atreya

    Vladimir Badovinac

    Andrew H. Baker

    Udeni B. R. Balasuriya

    Albert S. Baldwin

    Jonathan K. Ball

    Glen N. Barber

    Thierry G. Baron

    Peter A. Barry

    Jason C. Bartz

    Andreas J. Baumler

    Peter Beard

    Alan Belicha-Villanueva

    Andy Bell

    Graham J. Belsham

    Robert B. Belshe

    Arnold J. Berk

    Kristen A. Bernard

    Antonio Bertoletti

    Andrea Bertolotti-Ciarlet

    Jay Berzofsky

    Sonja M. Best

    Christine A. Biron

    David Blackbourn

    Carol D. Blair

    Bruno Blondel

    M Bomsel

    Eric Bortz

    Irene Bosch

    Alex Bossers

    Chris Boutell

    Andrea D. Branch

    Christian Brander

    Allan R. Brasier

    Xandra Breakefield

    Eileen Bridge

    John A. G. Briggs

    Corrie Brown

    Dennis T. Brown

    Zabrina Brumme

    Craig R. Brunetti
