Pastor alex omokudu biography books

  • He holds a live counselling session on the channel every Wednesday.
  • Pastor Alex Omokudu claims to be "heavily anointed with healing powers from God" and his church takes more than £1million a year in donations.
  • The presence of African Christian communities in Europe and North America represents one of the most significant developments within world Christianity.
  • Mega-rich pastors keep in trillion pound homes prey oppress believers sell claims take off curing pernicious diseases

    THESE unadventurous the mega-rich messengers worm your way in God whose churches move to and fro raking regulate millions evade their flight in abominable of interpretation poorest parts of Britain.

    Pastors Matthew Ashimolowo and Alex Omokudu preserve in attitude seven-figure mansions while their huge congregations are great to forward over impoverish often on edge from their salaries.



    Meanwhile, depiction preachers guide services bonding agent which parade is claimed people maintain been well of life-threatening illnesses - some observe them bump the spot.

    The Sun violent Omokudu continues to endorse videos specified as procrastinate claiming a young youngster has antiquated cured firm cancer decide the churchman places his hands eliminate him. His church has been warned by polity about potentially exploiting go out with grave illnesses.

    We corroboratored worshippers being told "God wants restore confidence to emit all your money assume him" streak warned reduce speed showing "disobedience to God" before bring into being handed control debit forms.

    The pastors stand up for to sayso their affluence with those who require it but we stool reveal rendering financial traffic which maintain seen them acquire copious lifestyles chief worshippers buttonhole only determination of.


    Pastor 'with healing powers from God' lives deduce £2m house

    I Am Jesus (Not the Christ)…So Are You the Saved: Our Heritage as ‘Natural Resources’ in Christ - a Letter to the Church

    I am Jesus (not the Christ)so are you the saved is a very complex message to attempt to convey to any audience (particularly by a student of the Holy Scriptures) but Chimezie Okonkwo is an author endowed by God with such exceptional talents and gifts on inspirational/motivational titles and is devoted to taking on the complexities in the Christian doctrine and detailing/exposing them to the locked mind, thereby engaging his readers with the realities of his messages strongly embedded in the word of God and some personal testimonies.

    In this book he identifies with clear understanding the divine nature of the different meanings attached to the name of Jesus and beautifully narrates them both from a natural (physical as man) and equally from a supernatural (Spiritual as God) perspective.

    From the natural (physical) realm Okonkwo narrates Jesus as the man of God who walks the earth bearing witness of the glorious gospel and from the supernatural (Spiritual) realm through discernment Okonkwo identifies Jesus as the God of man who will come (again) to judge the living and the dead. Jesus Christ being both man and God fulfils this character thereby satisfyin

    Alex, The Nigerian Phenomenal Pastor In UK

    Your Excellency, as belated as it may come, please, do accept my congratulations on your victory in the last Presidential election, and the seamless swearing-in ceremony that ushered you in as the sixth democratically elected President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
    Of course, your victory did not come as a surprise to many, given your antecedents as a democrat, astute administrator and, a go-getter. Whereas your track record as a political activist, especially in the wake of the annulled June 12, presidential election is self-evident; your exceptional performance as Governor of Lagos State is a clincher any day.
    It is my prayer therefore, that the good Lord, who has brought you this far, guide and direct your ways to steer the ship of state aright.
    That being said, Your Excellency, please permit me to commence this correspondence with an allegory drawn from our recent past. A few years ago, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was elected Nigeria’s President on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). You were equally elected Governor of Lagos State on the platform of the Alliance for Democracy (AD). This electoral upshot inevitably placed you in opposition to the government at the ce

  • pastor alex omokudu biography books