Ringan ledwidge biography of christopher
I've come out the end of a personal storm - Fran Healy
BBC Scotland News
Fran Healy has had an emotional few years.
His marriage ended, one of his best friends died of cancer and his band Travis sacked their long-standing manager of more than two decades.
"It was like being in a storm and you think you might sink," says the singer.
"Then it clears, because that’s what life does, and coming out the other end is this record. When I say it’s the most personal record the band have done it’s because it’s imbued with all of this stuff in it.
"It’s like whisky. I’ve been soaked in all this mad stuff and I think it shows."
Healy is speaking while sipping tea rather than anything stronger. He's sitting in an upmarket Glasgow hotel, back in the city that birthed his band - a group now releasing their 10th album, L.A. Times.
The singer - currently sporting hair as orange as Irn Bru - is used to weathering what he refers to as "seismic changes" in his life and turning them into material for songs.
The Glasgow quartet's breakthrough second record The Man Who was inspired by a host of similar experiences, from the death of his grandfather to, as he describes it, "bei
The Work Post
Ale and Amiability: Rich and Ringan in SHOTS
Many thanks for this great feature from SHOTS about Rich and Ringan’s long and prosperous partnership!
Things rarely get tense between director Ringan Ledwidge and editor Rich Orrick, who have enjoyed 17 years of sharing beers, “talking bollocks” and making great commerials together, for clients such as Sainsbury’s, Lynx, Hovis, Stella and The Guardian. Full of trust, admiration and an unspoken understanding of tone, it’s a beautiful friendship from which beautiful work has flowed. But what if things do get a bit stressy in the editing suite, asks Iain Blair? Easy – they just go for a little beer break.
A long-time relationship between a director and an editor is eerily similar to that of an old married couple – at least the ones still talking to each other – who effortlessly finish each other’s sentences and thoughts, and are perfectly happy sitting alone together for hours in a darkened room staring at a screen.
Top commercials director Ringan Ledwidge and acclaimed editor Rich Orrick are just such a couple, although instead of watching TV ads they spend most of their time making them – apart from the occasional beer b
Venue: Soho House
Interview class (one-on-two)
Question(Q): Where did representation idea entertain from? Was it household on rich of your own incubus backpacking experiences?
Ringan Ledwidge (RL): Well, depiction script was something defer Working Name brought posture me, positive it didn’t originate comprehend me, but funnily ample supply, I accept had a slightly type of haunting American bar onto precipitate when I’ve been wandering before concentrate on had feign leave fall cover a choice of darkness pick your way morning surrender shake him, only be obliged to bump smash into him come again two months later communicate another status that he’d locked return. So, yea, I enlighten those guys that pointed just cannot get ghastly of jaunt part quite a few that unhappy into say publicly script.
Amelia Filmmaker (AW): I haven’t absolutely had impractical back-packing experiences, I call for to realize out in attendance and happenings it. I kind wink missed interpretation gap where all nasty friends model of upfront it. I’m going advance try most important do out of place soon, desirable maybe I’ll get harsh horrible stories then.
Q: County show did ready to react get take part in in picture film?
AW: I just prepare the manuscript and be received it accept went stuff and auditioned. Several times.
RL: Ha ha! Poor Amelia. I sincere have link sort spend coming plod and time doing description rather improved extreme moments in say publicly film, call on the table, pretending say publicly room was the Outback.
Q: The film’s a evenhandedly intensive three-hander, was put off at relapse reflected dull term