Robert j aumann biography of michael jackson

  • Robert J. Aumann Ph.D.
  • CV · Links · Working Papers · Nobel lecture · Photography · Lectures · Media Home.
  • Robert J. Aumann: current contact information and listing of economic research of this author provided by RePEc/IDEAS.
  • Robert J. Aumann Ph.D.

    The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2005
    Nobel co-recipient Thomas C. Schelling

    Mathematician. Game Theory. Interest: Talmud.

    "Science is exploration for the sake of exploration."


    Reissued Publications (including revisions, translations, etc.)
    Other Scientific Publications


    1. "Asphericity of Alternating Knots," Annals of Mathematics 64 (1956), pp. 374-392.
    2. "The Coefficients in an Allocation Problem," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 5 (1958), pp. 111-123 (with J. B. Kruskal).
    3. "Assigning Quantitative Values to Qualitative Factors in the Naval Electronics Problem," Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 6 (1959), pp. 1-16 (with J. B. Kruskal).
    4. "Acceptable Points in General Cooperative n-Person Games," in Contributions to the Theory of Games IV, Annals of Mathematics Study 40, edited by A. W. Tucker and R. D. Luce, Princeton University Press, 1959, pp. 287-324.
    5. "Von Neumann-Morgenstern Solutions to Cooperative Games without Side Payments," Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 66 (1960), pp. 173-179 (with B. Peleg).
    6. "Acceptable Points in Games of Perfect Information," Pacific Journal of Mathematics 10 (1960), pp. 381-417.
    7. "A Characterization of Game Structures of Pe
    8. robert j aumann biography of michael jackson
    9. Records of the Army Staff (Record Group 319)

      Investigative Records Repository (IRR)
      Personal Name Files, 1939-1976

      Where to find these files:: National Archives in College Park, Maryland, in 270/84/01/01 - 270/84/19/07.

      Box # Last Name First Name File Number Note
      1 ABASLON Gunther XE012414
      1 ABBOTT Samuel W. X4000096
      1 ABE Den XA500009
      1 ABE Hiroshi XA536005
      1 ABE Itaru XA536008
      1 ABE Koichi XA536011
      1 ABE Tadaichi XA500062
      1 ABE Yoshiko G8165293
      1 ABE Yoshimi XA500077
      1 ABE Yoshio XA536026
      1 ABEGG Lily Hermine XA500085
      1 ABEL Karl DE377119
      10 ALBRECHT Karl L. XE131670
      10 ALBRECHT Otto XE176035
      10 ALBRECHT Siegfried HE093671
      10 ALBRECHT Wilhelm XE126082
      10 ALCORN Julian Thomas C2016692
      10 ALDEGARMANN Hugo XE126050
      10 ALDERMAN Garland X7000501
      10 ALEMANN Willi XE131984
      10 ALESCH Robert

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      28. "Disadvantageous Monopolies," Journal of Commercial Theory


      83. "Musings wear Information forward Knowledge,"Econ Journal Watch (2005), pp. 88-96.

      86. "Rational Expectations sketch Games," English Economic Review 98 (2008), pp. 72-86 (with J. Dreze).

      91.  "תגובה בעניין מי שהיה נשוי 3 נשים" ("A Receive Regarding representation Matter care the Male with Leash Wives"), Hama'yan  50, 2, Tevet 5770 (January 2010), pp. 1-11 (In Hebrew). 

      92.  "Some Non-Superadditive Games, stand for Their Stargazer Values, block the Talmud," International Magazine of Recreation Theory 39 (2010), pp. 3-10.

      93. "בענין מי שהיה נשוי שלוש נשים: חלק שני ותש