St mary magdalene ministry
More Information Below
Monday - Friday
a.m. last noonSaturday a.m.
Vigil 5 p.m. | 7 p.m. (Spanish)Sunday
a.m. | 9 a.m.
10 a.m. (Portuguese) | 11 a.m.
1 p.m. (Spanish) | 6 p.m. (Life Teen)
Complete Stimulate & Appeasement Schedule
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Find a roster of subset the ministries serving speech parish territory on oration Ministry Locator page.
Altar Servers
Students in fifth grade and up are trained to assist the priest during Mass, weddings, funerals, and other liturgical services. Serving at the altar allows youth to become involved in the sacred liturgy, serve the parish and consider religious vocations.
Contact: Deacon Joseph Boyle
Altar Society & Church Care
The Altar Society is a group of dedicated parishioners who assist in caring for the altar linens, albs, and beautifying the sanctuary area. Church care work to keep the church clean and beautiful.
Contact: Monica Grzeczkowski
Extraordinary Ministers
Men and women assist the clergy in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and to our homebound parish members. Ministers hold prayer services at nursing homes in the area. Training is available.
Contact: Joanne Hinkle
Music Ministry
The music ministry includes adult and youth choirs, guitar group, cantors, and organists. Music ministers support the congregation in song during worship, opening up to the Church's rich musical heritage.
Music Director: Ralph Purri
Lectors are lay volunteers who proclaim the Liturgy of the Word and the Prayer of the Fai
Altar Servers
Altar Servers minister at Sunday and weekday liturgies, funerals, weddings and various other liturgical rites. They minister to the assembly by carrying the cross, candles, and incense, presenting the Sacramentary to the priests, preparing the altar, and undertaking other tasks that serve the liturgy. Initial and ongoing formation is provided. To function in this ministry one must be a baptized member of the Catholic Church, regular (i.e., weekly) in Sunday worship, and living in harmony with the teachings of the Church. Typically this ministry is undertaken by elementary and junior high students, but it is also open to high school and college age students as well as adults. Altar servers must be able to meet the physical demands required of this ministry and must cultivate a sense of reverence and detail for ritual action.
Alumni Association
Coming soon.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Extraordinary ministers of communion assist the priests and deacons (the "ordinary" ministers of communion) with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ. Initial and ongoing formation is provided. To serve in this ministry, one must be a baptized and confirmed member of the Catholic Church, a registered parishioner of St Mary Magdalene parish, a