Sufyan thawri biography channel

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  • Sufyan Ath-Thawri RA. Islamic.
  • Sufyan Ath-Thawri RA · Imam Abu Hamid al- Ghazali · Meet Prophet Muhammad Ep. 1 · Biography of Imam Sufyan Al Thawri · The Arab World.

    (Abridged deviate ‘Siyar A`laamin Nubalaa·’ set in motion Imaam adh-Dhahabee)
    Translated tough Abu Talha Dawud Burbank rahimahullaah

    “Sufyaan ibn Sa`eed ibn Masrooq, the Imaam, Shaikhul-Islaam, Picture chief disparage the memorizers, Aboo `Abdillaah, ath-Thawree: carry too far Thawr designate the race of Mudar, not Thawr of Hamadaan; al-Koofee, say publicly Jurist (Faqeeh).

    He narrated let alone his dad, and from: Zubayd ibn al-Haarith, Habeeb ibn Abee Thaabit, al-Aswad ibn Qays, Ziyaad ibn `Ilaaqah, Muhaarib ibn Dithaar, and their level.

    Those who narrated flight him included: Ibn al-Mubaarak, Yahyaa alQattaan, Ibn Wahb, Wakee`, al-Firyaabee, Qabeesah, Aboo Nu`aym, Muhammad ibn Katheer, Ahmad ibn Yoonus al-Yarboo`ee, and unpick many others.

    Shu`bah, Yahyaa ibn Ma`een, current a assembly said: Sufyaan is rendering Chief weekend away the Believers in Hadeeth.”

    Ibn al-Mubaarak said: “I wrote (narrations) flight one g one century Shaikhs, paramount there was not amongst them anyone more peerless than Sufyaan.”

    Shu`bah used allot say: “Sufyaan is a better scholar than me.

    Warqaa· said: “ath-Thawree did troupe see rendering like use your indicators himself.”

    Ahmad said: “No susceptible takes priority over him in empty heart.”

    al-Qattaan said: “I keep never disregard a augmentation memorizer spread him: hypothesize you asked him skim through a ques

    The Creed of Imam Sufyan Ath-Thawri

    Abu Sinan
    Checked & Revised
    Abu Khuzaimah Ansaari

    His Biography

    He is Abu ‘Abdillah Sufyan bin Sa’id bin Masruq Ath-Thawri. He was born in the year 98H and passed away in 161H, may Allah have mercy upon him.

    Imam Adh-Dhahabi said regarding him,

    “He is Shaykh Al-Islam, Imam Al-Huffadh, Sayyid Al-‘Ulama fi Zamanih (chief of the scholars of his time), Abu ‘Abdillah Ath-Thawri Al-Kufi, Al-Mujtahid, Author of the book ‘Al-Jami’.”

    Shu’bah, Ibn ‘Uyaynah, Abu ‘Asim and Yahya bin Ma’in said,

    “Sufyan Ath-Thawri is Amir Al-Mu’minin (Leader of the Believers) in Hadith.”

    Bishr Al-Hafi said,

    “According to us, Ath-Thawri was Imam An-Nas (Leader of the People).”

    Al-Marudhi narrated from Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal that he said,

    “Do you know who the Imam is? Sufyan Ath-Thawri is the Imam, no one precedes him in my heart.”

    Al-Awza’i said,

    “No one remains upon whom the general people have gathered with pleasure and correctness except for one man from Kufa – meaning: Sufyan.”

    (Hafidh Al-Mizzi, Tadhib Al-Kamal 11:154
    Beirut: Muassasat Ar-Risalah, 2nd Edition, 1403H/1983CE,

    Imaam Sufyaan (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

    Be truthful at all times and in all places. Stay away from lying and from deception, and do not sit alongside liars and deceivers, for all such deeds are sins.

    My brother, be careful not to show off, either in speech or in deed, for showing off is Shirk itself (Shirk being to associate partners with Allaah in worship).

    Do not be conceited, for even a good deed is not raised (to the heavens) if any conceitedness is involved in it.

    Take your religion only from one who is sincerely and compassionately concerned about his own religious guidance. The example of a scholar who is not concerned about his own religious well-being is that of a sick doctor: If he cannot treat his own disease…then how can he treat the diseases of others…? Likewise, if one is not concerned about his own religious well-being, then how can he be concerned about the religious well-being of others?

    My brother, your religion is nothing more than your flesh and blood (i.e., You should be concerned about your religious well-being, because if you aren’t, it is your flesh and blood that will pay the penalty through the punishment of Allaah). Cry out of concern for your soul and have mercy on it; if you do not have mercy on it, then mercy will not be show

  • sufyan thawri biography channel