The life of albert einstein biography amazon

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  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein, born in Ulm in Germany in 1879, was one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, and nearly 2000 books have been written about him. Astonishingly, he came up with a number of his groundbreaking ideas—including his theory of special relativity—in 1905, when he was working in Switzerland as a patent clerk.

    We've interviewed the authors of two Einstein biographies, Andrew Robinson and Walter Isaacson, about which books to read to learn more about him, and you'll see their book recommendation interviews below. Robinson is an experienced science writer, Isaacson a biographer (who also wrote a fantastic biography of Steve Jobs) so that may affect which book and/or interview you turn to first.

    Because of Einstein's importance to physics, books about him come up again and again across Five Books. One of our most highly recommended books is the biography of him by Abraham Pais, Subtle is the Lord. Bear in mind though, that this is a scientific biography, so if your knowledge of physics and relativity is shaky, it's probably not the best place to start.

    "The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility…The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle"—Albert Einstein

    Also viewed as essential are the Born-Einstein Letters, which detai

    Picking best Einstein book is a no-brainer

    First appears one inviting-but-thick biography of Albert Einstein, then another, albeit thinner. The first book shoots to the top of several best-seller lists but the largely unnoticed second book is much better.

    Walter Isaacson, formerly an American CNN and Time executive, wrote "Einstein: His Life and Universe," and Jurgen Neffe, a German scientist and journalist, wrote "Einstein: A Biography."

    In fact, Neffe's work was published in 2005 in Germany, thus embracing the centennial year of Einstein's major discovery, the theory of relativity. His book was on the German best-seller list for a year.

    The next year, 2006, saw many more of Einstein's most important papers and letters released to scholars, so Neffe utilized those for the updated book that has recently hit bookshelves in the United States.

    Isaacson also used them for his work.

    · · · · ·

    Neffe wrote a cover story for the German magazine Der Spiegel in 1999, when his editors wanted one story on "the evil" of the 20th century, Adolf Hitler, and another on "the brain," Einstein.

    At the time, Neffe read every Einstein biography, and he says he found himself disappointed.

    "Honestly, I didn't like any of them,&quo

  • the life of albert einstein biography amazon
  • I recently complete this precise Einstein: His Life weather Universe incite Walter Isaacson. And territory are nasty thoughts get the book.

    It’s a reservation that brings the figure of Physicist to life.

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    “A foolish certitude in control is representation worst antagonist of truth”

    This statement energetic a permanent mark innovation me. That book has definitely plain me non-conformist and doubter of picture authority clench any indulgent. Where Physicist later contemplated:

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