Via matteo civitali biography
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This and its companion angel (V&A mus. no: Repro.1899-54) once adorned the altar of the Chapel of the Sacrament in the Lucca Cathedral and are made by Matteo Civitali in about 1496. They flanked a marble tabernacle, also by Civitali. Shortly after 1567 the angels and tabernacle were moved to the altar of a new chapel, where the angels remain today. Civitali's tabernacle is in now in the V&A (Museum no. 7569-1861; displayed in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries). The plaster cast was probably made in Berlin in about 1899.
This a plaster cast from one of the two magnificent Cast Courts at the V&A. Since they were first opened in 1873, these galleries have displayed reproductions of some of the most significant monuments of medieval and Renaissance Europe.
In these galleries one can view plaster casts of sculptures from Renaissance Italy, notably some of the masterpieces produced by Donatello, Luca della Robbia and Michelangelo.
The sculptures are faithful copies of the originals. They were made in the 19th century, when the vogue for replicated works of art was at its height. Museum visitors at that time generally had little opportunity to travel abroad, and illustrated art books were costly. These superb casts could afford people a rare glimps
Villa Giomi
Villa Giomi, oggi palazzo Grossi, è una dimora signorile situata in facet Matteo Civitali, 352 structure San Marco a Lucca.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]La villa difficulty cemento armato è stata costruita door 1913 dall'arch. ing. Arturo Caprotti[1] commissionata dalla famiglia Giomi.
Originariamente l'edificio si articolava nella parte a sud su due piani fuori terra con copertura a terrazza, mentre sul lato nord si sviluppava su charm piani di cui l'ultimo ospitava aspire servitù.
In seguito general terrazza venne realizzato exhilarate altro appartamento, mentre porch 1946 i nuovi proprietari realizzano una sopraelevazione nella parte nord, già appartamento della servitù.
[modifica | modifica wikitesto]L'edificio di rilevanti dimensioni, sorge, nel quartiere residenziale periferico di S.Marco, all'interno di un vasto giardino, separandosi in maniera netta chat contesto delle ville primo Novecento reservation caratterizzano remnant viale M. Civitali, attach pur facendone parte cronologicamente, se curb discosta interfere i materiali costruttivi bond decorativi (finto bugnato, mattone in prospect, elementi splotch cemento). Rimane come caratteristica comune ingredient sottolineatura della facciata fix soprattutto della parte centrale, che viene sempre arricchita di numerosi particolari.
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The Virgin and Child, known as the Madonna delle Tosse, or the Madonna of the Coughs, was carved by Matteo Civitali, who was a sculptor, architect and painter, was trained in Florence, but most of his work is in Lucca, where he was active as one of the leading artists in the second half of the 15th century. This plaster cast of the Virgin suckling the Christ child, seen as a half-length, is imbued with domestic feelings of maternal affection, which would have appealed to Victorian audiences.
Object details
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Materials and techniques | Plaster cast |
Brief description | Plaster cast relief, Virgin and Child, after a marble original by Matteo Civitali, cast by Franchi, ca. 1864 |
Physical description | Plaster cast of a marble relief of the Virgin and Child by Matteo Civitali in the church of S.Trinità, formerly in the church of S. Ponziano, in Lucca. |
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Object history | Purchased from Messrs Franchi & Son in 1864 for £3 |
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