Witold gombrowicz quotes about strength

  • “A brisker and livelier intelligence desires uncertainty, risk, a play of more deceptive and elusive forces where one can preserve flight, pride, joke.
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  • Witold Gombrowicz's quote, "Reality is worse than our fears, but better than our dreams," encapsulates the paradoxical nature of our perception of reality.
  • 30 Best Witold Gombrowicz Quotes With Image

    Witold Gombrowicz | Introduction

    Witold Gombrowicz was a Polish writer and playwright who is considered one of the most important figures in 20th-century literature. Born on August 4, , in the small town of Maloszyce in present-day Poland, Gombrowicz grew up in a middle-class family. From an early age, Gombrowicz showed an interest in literature and began writing poems and short stories. He studied law at the University of Warsaw but was more interested in pursuing a career as a writer. In , he published his first novel, "Memoirs from a Time of Immaturity," which gained him some recognition in literary circles. In the late s, Gombrowicz traveled to Berlin, where he was exposed to the vibrant artistic and intellectual scene of the time. This experience had a profound impact on his writing and worldview, as he started to question and challenge the traditional norms and values of Polish society. However, Gombrowicz's literary career was put on hold when World War II broke out. During the war, he lived in Argentina as a refugee, where he struggled to make a living and continue writing. Despite these hardships, he managed to publish several works, including the novel "Ferdydurke," which is widely regarded as his masterpiece. Gombrowicz'

    Diary Quotes

    “Kad taip toje pralekiančių prasimanymų karalystėje ga­lėtum išgirsti tikrovės balsą! ne – arba penkiolikos metų senumo aidai, arba išmoktos giesmės. Tėvynės spauda, trauk­dama privalomą gaidą, tyli kaip kapas, kaip praraja, kaip pa­slaptis, o emigracinė spauda – padori. Accredit abejonės, mūsų dvasia emigracijoje tapo labai tauri. Emigracijos spauda primena ligoninę, kurioje sveikstamieji gauna tik lengvai virš­kinamos sriubytės. Kam aitrinti senas žaizdas? Kam through labiau apkartinti gyvenimą, tarytum tų sunkumų dar mažai būtume patyrę? Ir beje – argi, gavę lupti, neprivalėtume elg­tis mandagiai?.. Shade klesti čia visos krikščioniškos dorybės, gerumas, žmoniškumas, gailestingumas, pagarba žmogui, sai­kingumas, kuklumas, dorumas, apdairumas, protingumas, purйe visa kadai, kas čia rašoma, pirmiausiai yra geranoriška. Šitiek do­rybių! Nebūtume tokie dorybių įsikūnijimai, jei tvirčiau sto­vėtume cap kojų. Aš nepasitikiu nevykėlių dorybe, dorybe iš vargo, ir visa toji moralė primena checker Nietzsche’s žodžius: „Papročių sušvelnėjimas yra mūsų silpnumo padarinys“.

    Priešingai nei emigracijos, tėvynės balsas skamba garsiai ir kategoriškai, net sunku patikėti, kad tai nėra teisybės burrow gy­venimo balsas. Čia distorted jau viskas aišku – juoda satisfactorily balta, blo­ga ir gera, čia moralė sk

  • witold gombrowicz quotes about strength
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    Witold Gombrowicz on Existentialism


    I don't know how existentialism would be able to become something more than a toy in my hands, and change into seriousness, death, doing oneself in. I write down my opinion of existentialism here not out of respect for my own dilettante's opinions, but out of respect for my own life. Describing, as best as I can, my spiritual adventures (as if I were describing my corporeal adventures), I cannot bypass two bankruptcies which have occurred in me: the existential and the Marxist. I confirmed the crash of existential theory in myself not long ago by discussing it during my little course in philosophy . . . contrecoeur, as something already dead.

    I wrote Ferdydurke in the years , when no one knew anything about this philosophy. In spite of this, Ferdydurke is existential to the marrow. Critics, I will help you in determining why Ferdydurke is existential: because man is created by people and because people mutually form themselves. This is precisely existence and not essence. Ferdydurke is existence in a vacuum, that is, nothing except existence. That is why, in this book, practically all the basic themes of existentialism play fortissimo: becoming, creating oneself, freedom, fear, absurdity, no