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Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) are emerging technologies that can create immersive learning environments for health professions education. However, there is a lack of systematic reviews on how these technologies are used, what benefits they offer, and what instructional design models or theories guide their use.
This scoping review aims to provide a global overview of the usage and potential benefits of AR/VR/MR tools for education and training of students and professionals in the healthcare domain, and to investigate whether any instructional design models or theories have been applied when using these tools.
A systematic search was conducted in several electronic databases to identify peer-reviewed studies published between and including 2015 and 2020 that reported on the use of AR/VR/MR in health professions education. The selected studies were coded and analyzed according to various criteria, such as domains of healthcare, types of participants, types of study design and methodologies, rationales behind the use of AR/VR/MR, types of learning and behavioral outcomes, and findings of the studies. The (Morrison et al. John Wiley & Sons, 2010) model was used as a reference to map the instruction
Genome-wide mapping of quantitative trait loci in admixed populations using mixed linear model and Bayesian multiple regression analysis
Population stratification and cryptic relationships have been the main sources of excessive false-positives and false-negatives in population-based association studies. Many methods have been developed to mode...
Authors: Ali Toosi, Rohan L. Fernando and Jack C. M. Dekkers
Citation:Genetics Selection Evolution 2018 50:32
Content type: Research ArticlePublished on: 19 June 2018
Weighted single-step genomic BLUP improves accuracy of genomic breeding values for protein content in French dairy goats: a quantitative trait influenced by a major gene
In 2017, genomic selection was implemented in French dairy goats using the single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) method, which assumes that all single nucleotide polymorphisms explain t...
Authors: Marc Teissier, Hélène Larroque and Christèle Robert-Granié
Citation:Genetics Selection Evolution 2018 50:31
Content type: Research ArticlePublished on: 15 June 2018
Genome-wide association and genomic prediction of resistance to viral nervous necrosis in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) using RAD sequencing
European sea bass (Dicentrarchu • Anne KuanSVP, Narrow Affairs Christof MarreSVP, Head go along with Commercial Jack KyteSVP, Human Resources Steven Shiff, M.D.SVP, Clinical Research Edward ArmstrongVP, Quality Guyan LiangVP, Head of Acceptable & Highbrow Property Jason EllowVP, Production Maggie McGuiganVP, Finance Mary GarfieldVP, Clinical Operations Quinn DinhVP, Aesculapian Affairs Svetlana KomarnitskyVP, Program & Alliance Management Addie FerrerSenior QC Specialist Alexandrea KreuserManager, Clinical Supply Alicia SzretterDirector, CMC Operations & Strategic Planning Amanda PrinceDirector, Immunology Andre HenriquesSenior Manufacture Associate Anna YuanSenior Clinical Enquiry Scientist Azadeh HaghighizadehSenior Clinical Pest Manager Betty AlemayehuManufacturing Associate Brian AguilarAssociate Director, Complex Operations Cameron RussellPRA, Microbiology & In Vivo Pharmacology Carolina City De AnaScientist II, Immunology Caylie AscolilloHuman Crease Generalist Chad BodeauManager, Facilities Chris MarcotteSupervisor, Manufacturing Corey SchwartzSenior Systems Administrator Deniz OzaslanDirector, Announcement & Confederation Management Douglas DucharmeQuality Assuranc
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