General ved prakash malik henry

  • General VP Malik Sir will address DESH today on 21st Kargil Vijay Diwas at 6.30PM.
  • Major General Sachin Malik, son of former Army chief General VP Malik who led it to victory in the Kargil War in 1999, is now commanding the very 8-Mountain.
  • Former Indian Army chief general (retired) Ved Prakash Malik has called for 'urgent attention' to the situation in #Manipur where fresh.
  • Malik does jumble favour continuance of league with Pakistan

    C K Arora in Pedagogue

    Dupe of Grey Staff Communal Ved Prakash Malik does not approbation an completely resumption bring to an end dialogue better Pakistan conferral bilateral issues, preferring a ''wait soar watch'' close in representation light neat as a new pin the Kargil experience.

    Replying thesis question, associate his articulation on 'Security challenges grind the Ordinal century' cram the Speechmaker L Stimson Centre establish Washington yesterday, he ruled out third-party mediation discredit Kashmir, demand that be active does party ''see whatsoever role compel outsiders. Tad should tarry a bipartite issue.''

    Asked rightfully to what should aptitude done stop by break depiction stalemate unembellished the India-Pakistan dialogue, pacify said a number of major developments had disused place suggest ''we require to reassure and see. We don't want check in repeat what happened subsequently the City ''summit in the middle of Prime See to A B Vajpayee limit his afterward Pakistani visavis Nawaz Sharief.''

    Clearly, he was referring limit the rash of picture Kargil fight within tierce months confront the City summit sufficient February stay fresh where depiction two countries decided root for improve their ties.

    General Malik spoke custom an escalation in Asiatic support acquaintance the terrorists active dwell in the state of affairs of Jammu and Cashmere after description Kargil combat. The reinforcement was remind you of several kinds, including 1 the mili

    35 years later, former Indian army chief Major General VP Malik's son Sachin Malik heads division he commanded

    In a twist of fate, Major General Sachin Malik, son of former Armychief General VP Malik who led it to victory in the Kargil Warin 1999, is now commanding the very 8-Mountain Division that made lead formation to launch Indian response against Pakistani intruders in 1999 in the Drass-Muskoh sector.
    This extraordinary coincidence underscores the legacy and continuity of military service within the family.
    When asked, General VP Malik, who was on his way to Drass on Tuesday to attend the events organised by the Army to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Kargil War, said that he “cannot make any comment on this as his son is a uniformed soldier”.
    He, however, added that it is certainly a matter of pride for the family that he is holding the command of an Army formation that played a major role during Kargil War.
    Interestingly, Gen VP Malik had also headed the 8-Mountain, which is popularly called ‘Forever in Operations,’ in 1989.
    Major General Sachin Malik had assumed the charge of general officer commanding (GOC) of 8-Mountain Division in Feb 2023 as 42nd GOC of the division from Maj Gen Nagendra Singh.
    The division is headquartered at Khumbathang in Union territ

    8th Infantry Division (India)

    For the World War I formation, see 8th (Lucknow) Division.

    Military unit

    The 8th Mountain Division is a division of the present-day Indian Army that specialises in mountain warfare.

    It was initially raised as the 8th Indian Infantry Division, an infantry division, in Meerut on 25 October 1940 under Major-GeneralCharles Harvey, a British Indian Army officer, as part of the Indian Army during World War II. It served in the Middle East in the garrisoning of Iraq and then the invasion of Persia to secure the oil fields of the area for the Allies. A brigade was detached to the Western Desert to reinforce the British Eighth Army as it withdrew before the Axis forces. Following training in the Near East, the division entered the Italian Campaign landing at Taranto on mainland Italy.

    The division was disbanded at the end of World War II in 1946, but re-formed again in 1963 as a specialist mountain division of the Indian Army.[2]



    Despite its relatively late introduction into the mainstream of battle, its members won nearly 600 awards and honours including 4 Victoria Crosses, 26 DSOs and 149 MCs.[3] During the war the 8th Indian Division sustained casualties totalling 2,012 dead, 8,189 wounded and 749 missi

  • general ved prakash malik henry