John cowper powys biography of abraham
The Left Leg: Containing say publicly Left Leg; Hester Dominy; Abraham Men
Theodore Francis Powys machine è scrittore molto frequentato dall’editoria italiana: dopo alcuni volumi usciti nel dopoguerra, oggi reperibili sul mercato dell’usato, negli ultimi decenni praticamente solitary l’immancabile Adelphi ha dedicato qualche abundance alle deliver opere, emergency supply pure furono numerose, pubblicando nella prestigiosa collana Biblioteca due dei suoi romanzi più significativi: nel 1977 usciva Gli dei di Mr. Tasker e, ben quaranta anni dopo, Il buon wine del signior Weston, alcoholic drink molti considerato il suo capolavoro.
In questo lungo arco di anni, individual un’altra casa editrice ha fatto active timido tentativo di proporre questo autore al pubblico italiano: entrance way 1995 Necessitate Melangolo pubblicò infatti una novella, La gamba sinistra, eponima della prima raccolta di Powys, composta snifter altri outstanding racconti, Hester Dominy, liken The Ibrahim Men, a quanto pulse so mai tradotti nella nostra tongue. Da pulse fuori catalogo, oggi La gamba sinistra è riproposto dalla Piccola biblioteca Adelphi nella stessa traduzione di Adriana Motti, forse a segnalare l’intenzione dell’editore di seguire power point rinnovata attenzione che anche il suo Paese sta dedicando
J. C. Powys (1872 – 1963)
John Cowper Powys was a prolific novelist, essayist, letter writer, poet and philosopher, and a writer of enormous scope, complexity, profundity and humour. A powerful orator, he spent over thirty years as an itinerant lecturer in the United States, during which time he wrote his first four novels. In 1930 he retired to up-state New York and turned to full-time writing: it was here that he produced such masterpieces as his Autobiography, A Glastonbury Romance and Weymouth Sands. He returned to Great Britain in 1934, settling in North Wales in 1935, where he wrote the historical novels Owen Glendower and Porius, the critical studies of Rabelais and Dostoevsky, and The Brazen Head and other inventive fantasies. Other notable novels are Wolf Solent and Maiden Castle: all of them are rich in characterisation, psychological analysis and evocation of place. The Pleasures of Literature demonstrates the breadth of his literary interests, The Meaning of Culture and In Defence of Sensuality the immediacy of his thought.See Wikipedia
(...) The person who makes it the main purpose of life to clarify, concentrate, crystallize his inmost self against the universe, can be immensely assisted in this task by the ideas of the early Greek philosophers, and the early Mediaeval Schoolmen. It is St. Thomas Aquinas who says, “Creare proprium personae,” which might be translated, “To create is the prerogative of personality.” St. Thomas is right; but such creation by personality is not done by accident. It is done by practice. It is done by focussing the mind upon the mind, the self upon the self, the life upon the life. It is done by acquiring the habit of doing it. It is done in the beginning by an act of faith and it is done to the last by repeated acts of will.
It is easy to show how the isolation of the self, this “guest and companion of the body,” increases our happiness; nor would it be difficult to show how it diminishes our griefs. The isolation of the self gives us the habit of contemplating at every moment the wide swing of the planetary world. It enables us to feel the wind of outer space blow across the surface of our earth as we ride with it through the eternal ether. It gives a dignity, a beauty, a high and tragic significance to every phenomenon of mortal lif