Wd my cloud red light blinking How to fix red blinking light on pc Is wd my cloud home still supported Wd my cloud setup • Note By: By: By: By: • The red light keeps blinking blacklsj1Hi there, Today I found WD My Cloud’s power light turns into red and keeps blinking. I checked the router and I found that I am unable to access the dashboard anymore. Can you guys face such issue before? If yes ,what’s the solution?cat0w2@blacklsjFirst you need to determine which generation of My Cloud you have, a 1st generation (04.xx.xx) or 2nd (02.xx.xx) and look in the correct User Manual at LEDs. Use link below.https://support.wdc.com/product.aspx?ID=904&lang=enIf you can’t solve the problem after looking at the User Manual then let us know.blacklsj3Hi CatoW, thank you for your advice. I have found that mine is second generation. The temperature is ok and the router is working properly, I replaced a new ethernet cable. So I think it might below reasons that red LED blinking. So what should I do next step?Fault/action required Red Blinking The following faults trigger this state: • Disk SMART failure • Data volume does not exist • System volume does not exist • System thermal shutdown (75 C)rac80064A gen2 will also blink red when there is not network connection.blacklsj5Hi Rac8006, I changed the ethernet cable and the light of rear port are green. I think the connect • Blinking Red LED on Front Nicholas_Lane1I came home from work today and found out that the house lost power. I noticed that the My Cloud device had a blinking red LED on the front. I powered it down, waited a few minutes and plugged it in. It started with the standard blinking blue LED and changed to the blinking red LED. I have tried to access it via the address and the folder on my computer and I cannot reach it. I looked through the manual and other forums and nothing mentions a blinking red LED only solid one. Does anyone have any idea on how to fix the issue?cpt_paranoia2My guess is that the new manual is wrong, and the ‘Attention’ state should be blinking red, not solid; it used to be blinking yellow.So it may be your router; check the Ethernet LEDs, too.Nicholas_Lane3So I did a reboot on my router and I looked physically looked at the lights on my router. The port that it is plugged into is showing green link lights. I even switched it to each of the other 3 ports and it they all show green link lights but the problem still persist. Additionally, I have looked at the port status on the router interface at the router detects the connection The device is currently plugged into LAN4. Any additional assistance would be great!Thanks