Pocholo gonzales biography examples

  • Veteran radio broadcaster.
  • University of the Philippines.
  • Gonzales is a sought-after motivational speaker, the former president of JCI Makati, a Go Negosyo mentor, a founding member of Titans Group.
  • About Pocholo De Leon Gonzales

    He comes up on stage and amazes the crowd with the many voices he can make. He says something funny and has the entire audience roar with laughter. He shares his visions and words of inspiration and simply makes everyone blown away. Is there any other Filipino motivational speaker who can do all that in a single talk?

    The Titan of Filipino voice acting. Veteran radio broadcaster. Internationally-awarded youth advocate. Award-winning author. Highly sought-after voice director, trainer and motivational speaker. Pocholo de Leon Gonzales is known as the “VoiceMaster of the Philippines” for having utilized his voice not only for the purpose of entertaining people, but more importantly for inspiring, motivating and empowering particularly the Filipino youth.

    At the young age of 16, Pocholo started his voice acting career after winning a competition in DZMM’s drama and singing contest “Radyo, Radyo” where he later became one of the anchors, scriptwriter, and co-director. His voice has since then been used for thousands of anime characters, hundreds of local radio and television commercials, various children’s programs, films, dubbed foreign telenovelas, drama, TV shows, video games, and audiobooks. He has also

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    Chinoy tv

  • 4. Who is Pocholo Gonzales pochology.com
  • 9. Circa 1986
  • 10. B 1990 1991 1995 PUBLIC SCHOOLS
  • 11. Spot the Not!
  • 12. 1999
  • 16. Imagine an Animation With Out Sound and Voice!
  • 19. Voice Acting? Voice acting is the art of providing voices for animated characters (including those in feature films, television series, animated shorts, video games) radio,audio dramas and comedy, doing voice overs in radio, television commercials, audio dramas, dubbed foreign language films, video games, puppet shows, and amusement.
  • 20. Applications Commercials  Television of Voice-Over  Television Imaging and Station Identification  Radio Announcers  Radio Commercials  Radio Imaging and Station Identification  Business Demonstrations  Business Presentations and Corporate Videos  Voicemail, On-Hold Messaging, IVR (Interactive Voice Response)  Entertainment and Celebrity Impersonations  Character Voices and Cartoon Voice Actors
  • 21.  Video Game Voices, Computer Game Voices  Audio Books, Books on Tape  Educational Videos, CD-rom, e-Learning  Government  Medical  Foreign Language Voice Overs  Translation Services  Music  Jingles  Music Composition, Music Producti
  • pocholo gonzales biography examples