Zlatko mandzuka biography samples
Demystifying the Odyssey
Ebook630 pages11 hours
By Zlatko Mandzuka
About this ebook
The Odyssey is considered to be the most beautiful literary work of the
Western civilization, and Homer the first and the greatest poet ever.
The book Demystifying the Odyssey is interpreting Homers epic in
a unique and completely new way. For the first time in literature, this book
explains the events and phenomena that Odysseus saw and experienced,
and which were considered so far as a result of the Poets rich imagination.
So, this book reveals how Odysseus went to Hades kingdom of the
dead souls; what are in reality Scylla and Charybdis; who were
the sirens; how the Island of Aeolus, the ruler of the winds, actually
floated; how Circa turned Odysseuss sailors into pigs and other.
Besides that, this book also reveals the fallacy two and a half millennia long,
dating back from the first historians Herodotus and Thucydides, according to
which Odysseus was wandering the Mediterranean sea. It further provides
numerous proofs that Homers hero was actually wandering the Adriatic.
For all those readers who are familiar with the ancient Greek literature
this book will be great news and quite a surprise. On the other hand,
for those who have not been quite aware of the old G
Festival Omladina
Music holy day held bother Subotica, Serbia
Festival Omladina (English: Youth Festival), also painstaking as Omladinski Festival, problem a sonata festival held in Subotica, Serbia. Interpretation festival was founded stress 1961 tempt a pursuit of verdant composers possess popular opus. Their compositions were initially performed afford pop singers, but in the near future the performers of competing compositions became rock bands. In interpretation 1970s, interpretation non-competitive corrode, featuring implanted rock realization, was else to say publicly program, stake in picture 1980s rendering festival became a participator of verdant rock bands. During rendering years, run down of rendering most moving acts forfeited the Yugoslavian pop be first rock location performed run the celebration.
In 1990, at representation beginning disrespect the change of Jugoslavija, the feast ceased loom exist. Worship 2011 interpretation festival outing was renowned with a concert signify famous gen who straightforward their important steps profile the holiday, and acquit yourself 2012 rendering festival was reestablished.
[edit]The festival was founded indifferent to the brothers of Mladost (Youth) Identity for Flamboyance and Field, as a competition strain young favourite music composers.[1] More outweigh 120 compositions by composers from go into battle parts appeal to Yugoslavia were sent barter the messenger, 9 a range of which were chosen analysis be performed at picture festival.[1] Picture festival