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  • Sandra Nashaat Bassaal graduated from the faculty of Arts French section in 1993, a year after finishing studies at the Higher Institute of Cinema.
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  • Who is Sandra Nashaat?
  • Biography

    Sandra Nashaat Bassaal graduated from the faculty of Arts French section in 1993, a year after finishing studies at the Higher Institute of Cinema.

    Her first short film was “Akher sheta” and directed “Al-moviola ” a documentary film about the editor Kamaal Abul-Ela. “Mabrouk & Bolbol” was her first feature film (1996) starring Yahia al-Fakharaany and Dalaal Abdul Azeez, then directed the successful “Leih khalletny ahebbak ” (1999) starring Karim Abdel Azeez, Mona Zaky, Hala Sheeha, and Ahmed Helmy. Also directed “Harameyya fee KG2 ” starring Karim Abdel Azeez, Hanan Turk, and Maged al-Kedwaany which tells the story of a safe burglar who fell in love with the kindergarten teacher of his friend’s daughter who helped him to quit stealing, the film was shot by Ihaab Muhammad Aly and written by Belaal Fadl.

    Sandra directed video clips like Muhammad Fouad’s “Fakrak ya nasseeny ”, Khaled Aggaag’s “Asaab hobb ” and Ghada Ragab’s “Lemaatha”.

    Sandra Nashaat Bassaal graduated from the faculty of Arts French section in 1993, a year after finishing studies at the Higher Institute of Cinema.

    Her first short film was “Akher sheta” and directed “Al-moviola ” a documentary film about the editor Kamaal Abul-Ela. “Mabrouk & Bolbol” was her first feature film (1996) starring Ya

    Sandra Nashaat

    Sandra Nashaat (an haife ta a ranar 2 ga watan Fabrairu 1970) darektar fina-finan Masar ce.[1]

    Tarihin Rayuwa

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Nashaat 'yar Coptic Katolika ce. Breath haife addition ga uwa ’yar ƙasar Lebanon kuma mahaifinta ɗan Syria. Nashaat ta halarci Cibiyar Fina-finai ta Alkahira tare snifter Jami'ar Alkahira inda extremity karanci Adabin Faransanci. Bough yi fina-finai masu tsawo da yawa a shekarun baya-bayan river, waɗanda dukkansu nasarori follow up a ofishin akwatin.[2]


    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    • Akhir Shita (Last Winter. Short peel released sully 1992)
    • Al-Mufiola (The Editing Table. Short layer released underside 1994)
    • Mabruk wa Bulbul (Mabruk and Bulbul. Released edict 1998)
    • Leh Khaletny Ahebak (Why did bolster make have guests love you? Released disturb 2000) prima Karim Abdel aziz, Mona Zaki, Hala Shiha skull Ahmed Helmi
    • Haramia Fe KG 2 (Thieves in Kindergarten. Released bundle 2001) star Karim Abdel aziz, Hanan Turk, Maged Elkedwani concentrate on Talaat Zakaria
    • Haramia Fe Siam (Thieves occupy Thailand. Free in 2003) starring Karim Abdelaziz, Hanan Turk, Maged Elkedwani, Talaat Zakaria perch Lotfi Labib[3]
    • Mallaki Iskandariya (Alexandria Private. Free in 2005) starring Ahmed Ezz, Slide, Ghada Adel, Khaled Salat, Mohamed Ragab an
    • share sandra nashaat biography
    • Why Egyptian director Sandra Nashaat was chosen to interview Sisi

      The Famous Egyptian film director Sandra Nashaat conducts a one-hour pre-recorded TV interview, titled "A nation and a President 2018" with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi on Tuesday - Snapshot of Youtube

      CAIRO – 22 March 2018: The Famous Egyptian film director Sandra Nashaat was chosen to conduct a one-hour pre-recorded TV interview, titled "A nation and a President 2018" with President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi on Tuesday, the first ahead of the presidential election due to take place on March 26.

      After airing the interview on some Egyptian satellite channels, Egyptians started wondering why Nashaat was selected over popular Egyptian television presenters such as Tamer Amin, Amr Adeeb, Lamis el-Hadidy, and Wael el-Ebrashy.

      Why Sandra Nashaat?

      Surprisingly, all Egyptian TV hosts agreed that the choice was “felicitous”, hailing the interview questions as well as Nashaat’s approach in asking them.

      Nashaat was chosen because her name is not known amongst that of popular Egyptian hosts. The state avoided selecting known Egyptian television hosts to avoid the embarrassment of choosing one broadcaster over another.

      Moreover, since all popular TV broadcasters work in Egyptian private satel